I'm a university student in London and am originally from Bangladesh, and as of this post, I am 19 years old. I really had no inspiration to start blogging, so one day I just picked up my laptop just cause I felt like it. I guess these random ideas just flow into my head, and instead of keeping them to myself, I guess I'd rather share it with the world. Being an avid reader of mainstream mangas like One Piece, Hunter x Hunter, I strive to be like the protagonists cause they make me want to push away the harsh realities of life. I guess I just can't suppress my inner child. This is what I look like (deep in thought about the next blog post):
A photo posted by Saquib Chowdhury (@wimpyasian) on
I like to blog about myself, or anything else I want to share to the world from my perspective. I cannot classify this blog into a certain category, so if you generally like my opinions and posts in general, please stick around and follow me on Facebook, Instagram for updates on the latest post I may release.